Three Rivers Humane Society

UX / UI Design

Project Overview

To improve the user experience and accessibility of the Three Rivers Humane Society website, with the goal of increasing user engagement and supporting the organization's mission to care for animals in need.


Despite containing a significant amount of important information, the original website suffered from outdated design and numerous accessibility issues. Moreover, its presentation was overwhelming and text-heavy.


After conducting a content audit, it was determined that a reconstruction of the website's informational architecture was necessary, as well as modernization of its appearance with accessibility in mind.


Significantly improved user experience on the Three Rivers Humane Society website.
Resulted in a more intuitive and accessible platform.
More organized content hierarchy.
Visually appealing design elements.
Less overwhelming user experience.


Content Audit
Content Analysis
UX / UI Design

Micro Animations


Fig Jam
Adobe Illustrator


I completed this project independently.

Before and After

The Three Rivers Humane Society website was difficult to navigate, overwhelming for users, and did not effectively connect them with the resources and services needed to support the organization's cause and animals in need.

I improved the website's user experience by incorporating icons and photos to break up text-heavy areas. To further enhance user experience, I added hover animations that helped users navigate through the large amount of information without feeling overwhelmed. While keeping the brand colors intact, I made slight adjustments to make them more accessible and less harsh on the eyes, while still maintaining the brand's identity.









Defining the Problem

During an initial review of the current website, I identified several issues. Although all of them were important, I prioritized the areas where I could make the most significant impact toward the overall objective. In doing so, my aim was to tackle other potential factors that could be affecting the overall performance of the website. Based on my analysis, I identified specific opportunities to enhance the user experience and contribute to the website's larger goals.

Content Analysis and Content Audit

While conducting a comprehensive content analysis and audit, I identified several UI issues that required attention. By prioritizing the most urgent issues, I aimed to make the greatest impact on the user experience and business objectives.


A Link that goes to a random additional landing page with no pertinent information, additionally low contrast


Too many nav items, content could be reorganized with similar items


Slogan is slightly off angle and looks like it could be a mistake


This color could appear as unfinished or under construction


This color is harsh on the users eyes and provides very low contrast for text colors


Poor color contrast, does not meet accessibility standards


Needs spacing between content


Very low contrast links


Could benefit with a footer that contains more important information


Information is all good and important, just is still very text heavy and could be overwhelming for users


Seems important, could have more clear CTA


The font color on background color does not meet accessibility standards with very low contrast.


Very text heavy content


Button style is not consistent with landing page


Feedback to which page they are on, disappears? or low contrast? - Discovery on last sweep through

The Redesign

Once I gained a thorough understanding of the existing website content and identified potential areas for improving the UI and user experience, I proceeded to map out the current site structure. Through this process, I identified redundancies and opportunities for condensing or reorganizing the site map to create a more intuitive user flow.

Original Site Map

Iterated Site Map

Initial Sketches

After mapping out a new content hierarchy, I created initial sketches to serve as a starting point for the redesign and reorganization of content

Style Guide

To maintain brand identity, I ensured that the brand colors were incorporated throughout the redesign. Additionally, I carefully considered accessibility when selecting font colors to ensure they had a passing contrast ratio and stood out against the background colors.

Next Steps

To ensure the website is accessible to a wider audience, it is crucial to make it responsive to multiple devices.
Additional testing with a more diverse group of users could help validate the findings and ensure that the redesigned website meets the needs of a wider audience.
Implement other accessibility features, such as alt tags for images and proper heading structure.
Launch the redesigned website and monitor its performance over time, making changes and updates as needed to improve the user experience and achieve the website's goals.

Final Thoughts

By conducting a thorough analysis and audit of the current website, identifying key problems, and implementing appropriate solutions, the user experience and overall performance of the website were improved. The use of brand colors, appropriate icons and photos, and hover animations helped to make the website more intuitive and less overwhelming for users.

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