UX Research

Project Overview

The aim of this project was to devise a solution for students seeking to utilize their school's mental health services, by creating a more convenient and user-friendly method of accessing and booking appointments online, through an enhanced iteration of the existing school app.


the issue of access to mental health services is complex and requires long-term solutions. Our group focused on improving the accessibility of mental health services for college students by redesigning UCI Now, a college app.


Optimize the user experience by simplifying the process of locating and accessing healthcare services offered by the school's student health center. This involves streamlining the path to the center and implementing a user-friendly booking system for appointments.


98% of participants able to locate the student services tab.
Able to seamlessly navigate to the student health portal.
Users efficiently found and scheduled appointments.
Design solutions proved effective.


Interactive Prototypes
User Testing


Google Slides


Our design team was composed of eight members and we are operating within a time frame of 10 weeks.


Problem Statement

We want to understand if mental health aid is accessible to college students on campus and how to improve access to existing services.

Research Findings

Focusing on two user groups we were able to conclude that mental health resources are offered to students, however, execution is poor and there needs to be an iterated system for students to access aid.


Iterated UCI Now app with dedicated Student Health Services tab created using Figma.

We used moderated remote testing to gather reliable feedback on the UCI Now app. Users were given a scenario and asked to complete three tasks on both the current app and our iterated prototype.


We created and updated personas through user interviews, to empathize with users and ideate solutions for the problem, while applying human-centered design principles.

User Research and Key Insights

Interviews were used to gather qualitative data and surveys for quantitative data. We conducted the research through various online platforms, including Discord, Social Media, Text Message, and Email.

Competitive Analysis

Competitive analysis was conducted to explore opportunities and gather inspiration prior to entering the IDEATE phase of our design. This process revealed that the UCI Now app has room for improvement in several areas when compared to its competitors.

How might we provide convenient and accessible mental health services for college age students in order to encourage the use of those resources?

Affinity Mapping

An ideation session was conducted to generate solutions addressing the problem statement at hand and we chose 3 new features to implement with a goal of improving the user experience.

User Journey Map

Team ideation sessions led to Jamie's journey map and testing of a new function for accessing Student Health Services. A testing plan reflective of our user journey map was used to verify the usability of our app and gain insights.

Persona: Jamie

Goal: Easily navigate from UCI Now app to Student Health Services, where he can find and book an appointment

Initial Sketches

The initial sketches provided a starting point to brainstorm solutions that could enhance the online appointment booking experience for students. A user-friendly pathway was developed to simplify the booking process, which was refined into a more testable prototype.


Iterated UCI Now app with dedicated Student Health Services tab created using Figma.

We used moderated remote testing to gather reliable feedback on the UCI Now app. Users were given a scenario and asked to complete three tasks on both the current app and our iterated prototype.

Usability Testing Insights

Our analysis shows users took longer to find the Student Health Services tab on the current UCI Now app compared to our Figma prototype. All users successfully booked appointments and initiated Live Chats without help, showing the effectiveness of our design iteration.

Style Guide

We aimed to stay on brand with the institution by following their established style guide.

Next Steps

Create a school a school app or iterate an existing student services app to allow students to conveniently book an appointment with an on campus mental health professional or other student health services
Provide tele-health mental health services options, specifically for college aged students & promote schools services via weekly newsletter or email
Create online communities for students to join and meet, to talk peer to peer and for students to provide anonymous  reviews or feedback for received services
Address social stigma regarding mental health by continuously discussing mental health and promoting school services.

Final Thoughts

This case study necessitated a comprehensive immersion into various UX design methodologies and best practices. During the IDEATE phase, a diverse range of ideas were generated and as a team, we engaged in collaborative and constructive debate to distill and prioritize solutions that best aligned with our problem statement. Along the way we identified pain points or areas for improvement in the user experience, developed an understanding of user preferences and behaviors, and uncovered new opportunities for innovation.

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